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The Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science WSPH

NIH Biosketches

NIH is Adopting the Biographical Sketch Common Form 

Starting with applications due on or after May 25, 2025, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will require the use of Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) to complete the following Common Forms and produce digitally certified PDF(s) certified by the Senior/Key (S/K) Personnel for each grant application. NIH will not allow delegation of the certification. 

  • Biographical Sketch 
  • Current and Pending (Other) Support 
  • NIH Biographical Sketch Supplement(will include Personal Statement, Contributions to Science, and Honors, which are not on the Common Form Biosketch) 

NIH is in the process of aligning NIH-specific fields and instructions to the Common Forms and they are not yet available. 

What You Can Do Now to Prepare

  • Familiarize yourself with SciENcv
  • SciENcv is a researcher profile system for all individuals who apply for, receive, or are associated with research investments from federal agencies. 
  • Get an ORCID ID. 
  • ORCID is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.  
  • All S/K Personnel must have an ORCID ID and the ID must be linked to their eRA Commons Personal Profile to be included on an NIH grant application due on or after May 25, 2025. See here for instructions.  
  • Ensure your MyBibliography and/or ORCID Bibliographies are up-to-date. 
  • SciENcv does not allow for direct entry of citations. Instead, they are pulled from one of the two researcher profile systems noted above, and if a citation is not in either system, it cannot be included on the biosketch. 

For additional support with SciENcv, ORCID, and/or NCBI’s MyBibliography, please schedule a consultation with UC San Diego Research Librarian Karen Heskett. 

Supporting PIs With This Transition

  • Though the NIH Common Form Biosketch is not yet available in SciENcv, based on the existing form, we anticipate migrating a biosketch from Microsoft Word into SciENcv will take 30-60 minutes, presuming all necessary citations are up-to-date in MyBibliography and/or ORCID. 
  • Upon request, the HWSPH Faculty Resarch Support Team (FRST) will provide a student worker whom S/K personnel may add as a delegate in SciENcv to assist with this initial migration from the current format page to the SciENcv platform.  
    • Such requests will be accepted via a TBD process once NIH makes the Common Form available in SciENcv. Migrating your current biosketch into SciENcv now will serve to familiarize you with the SciENcv system but offer no discernable difference from your existing Word-format biosketch until NIH populates SciENcv with the Common Form template. 
    • With this assistance, the school anticipates the process of establishing the student worker as a delegate, communicating with them about the migration, specifying the necessary changes you wish to make and a round of proofreading will take approximately 30 minutes. 
    • Some S/K personnel may find this potential time savings worthwhile, whereas others may wish to complete the migration independently and on their own timeline. 
  • The school will not provide delegate support for updating and maintaining MyBibliography and/or ORCID bibliographies. 

Overview and Formatting Requirements

  • Use the sample format on the Biographical Sketch Format Page to prepare this section for all grant applications.

  • Figures, tables (other than those included in the provided format pages) or graphics are not allowed in the biosketch. Do not embed or attach files (e.g. video, graphics, sound or data)

  • The biosketch may not exceed five pages per person. This 5-page limit includes the table at the top of the first page.


  • Name: Fill in the name of the senior/key person or other significant contributor in the "Name" field of the Biosketch Format Page.

  • eRA Commons User Name: A valid eRA Commons username is required for all Senior/Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors (OSCs), and other key individuals listed on the Research & Related Senior/Key Person Profile.

  • Position Title: Fill in the position title of the senior/key person or other significant contributor in the "Position Title" field of the Biosketch Format Page.

  • Education/Training: Complete the education block. Begin with the baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing. Include postdoctoral, residency and clinical fellowship training, as applicable, listing each separately. For each entry provide:
    • the name and location of the institution
    • the degree received (if applicable)
    • the month and year of end date (or expected end date). For fellowship applicants only, also include the month and year of start date.
    • the field of study (for residency entries, the field of study should reflect the area of residency training)

Section A - Personal Statement

  • Briefly describe why you are well-suited for your role(s) in this project. Relevant factors may include: aspects of your training; your previous experimental work on this specific topic or related topics; your technical expertise; your collaborators or scientific environment; and/or your past performance in this or related fields, including ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years that you want to draw attention to (previously captured under Section D. Research Support).

  • You may cite up to four publications or research products that highlight your experience and qualifications for this project. Research products can include, but are not limited to, audio or video products; conference proceedings such as meeting abstracts, posters, or other presentations; patents; data and research materials; databases; educational aids or curricula; instruments or equipment; models; protocols; and software or netware. Use of hyperlinks and URLs to cite these items is not allowed.

  • You are allowed to cite interim research products. Note: interim research products have specific citation requirements. See related Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

  • Additional instructions for ALL applicants/candidates:
    • If you wish to explain factors that affected your past productivity, such as family care responsibilities, illness, disability or military service, you may address them in this "A. Personal Statement" section.
    • Indicate whether you have published or created research products under another name.
    • You may mention specific contributions to science that are not included in Section C. Do not present or expand on materials that should be described in other sections of this Biosketch or application.
    • Figures, tables or graphics are not allowed.

Section B - Positions, Scientific Appointments and Honors

  • List in reverse chronological order all current positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign, including affiliations with foreign entities or governments. This includes titled academic, professional, or institutional appointments whether or not remuneration is received, and whether full-time, part-time or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). High school students and undergraduates may include any previous positions. For individuals who are not currently located at the applicant organization, include the expected position at the applicant organization and the expected start date.

  • List any relevant academic and professional achievements and honors. In particular:
    • Students, postdoctorates and junior faculty should include scholarships, traineeships, fellowships, and development awards, as applicable.
    • Clinicians should include information on any clinical licensures and specialty board certifications that they have achieved.

Section C - Contributions to Science

  • Briefly describe up to five of your most significant contributions to science. The description of each contribution should be no longer than one half page, including citations.

  • While all applicants may describe up to five contributions, graduate students and postdoctorates may wish to consider highlighting two or three they consider most significant.

  • For each contribution, indicate the following:
    • the historical background that frames the scientific problem;
    • the central finding(s);
    • the influence of the finding(s) on the progress of science or the application of those finding(s) to health or technology; and
    • your specific role in the described work.
    • Figures, tables, or graphics are not allowed.
  • For each contribution, you may cite up to four publications or research products that are relevant to the contribution. If you are not the author of the product, indicate what your role or contribution was. Note that while you may mention manuscripts that have not yet been accepted for publication as part of your contribution, you may cite only published papers to support each contribution. Research products can include audio or video products (see the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section Post-Submission Grant Application Materials); conference proceedings such as meeting abstracts, posters, or other presentations; patents; data and research materials; databases; educational aids or curricula; instruments or equipment; models; protocols; and software or netware. Use of hyperlinks and URLs to cite these items is not allowed.

  • You are allowed to cite interim research products. Note: interim research products have specific citation requirements. See related Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

  • You may provide a URL to a full list of your published work. This URL must be to a Federal Government website (a .gov suffix). NIH recommends using My Bibliography. Providing a URL to a list of published work is not required.

  • Descriptions of contributions may include a mention of research products under development, such as manuscripts that have not yet been accepted for publication. These contributions do not have to be related to the project proposed in this application.

Section D - Scholastic Performance * (Fellowship Applicants Only)

*Note that only the following types of applicants must complete this section:

  • applicants for predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships
  • applicants to dissertation research grants (e.g., R36)
  • candidates for research supplements to promote diversity in health-related research from the undergraduate through postdoctoral levels

Postdoctoral applicants: List by institution and year all graduate scientific and/or professional courses with grades. In addition, explain any grading system used if it differs from a 1-100 scale; an A, B, C, D, F system; or a 0-4.0 scale. Also indicate the levels required for a passing grade.

Templates, Examples and Formatting Guides

Additional Resources

NSF Biosketches

Overview and Instructions

  • NSF requires a biographical sketch for each individual identified as senior personnel. The biographical sketch is currently limited to two pages.

  • Effective October 4, 2021, the page limitation will be increased to 3 pages for each individual identified as senior personnel. Detailed information about the content is available in the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter II.C.2.f

Templates, Examples and Additional Resources