Mental Health and Substance Use studies etiology, risk factors, and impacts of mental health conditions and substance use as well as prevention, promotion and maintenance of mental health, behavioral health, substance use disorder treatment and harm reduction services to improve population health.
Angela Bazzi, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor - Program Director
Academic members:
Wael Al-Delaimy, MD, PhD, Professor
Gretchen Bandoli, PhD, Assistant Professor, Secondary Appointed
Kerri Boutelle, PhD, Professor
Kimberly Brouwer, PhD, Professor, Associate Dean for Education and Student Affairs
Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, Professor, Secondary Appointed
Richard Garfein, PhD, MPH, Professor
Suzi Hong, PhD, Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Mentoring
Ariel Lang, MD, MPH, Professor, Secondary Appointed
Eric Leas, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor
Lin Liu, PhD, Associate Professor
Heather Pines, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor
Deepa Sannidhi, MD, Assistant Professor, Secondary Appointed
Yuyan Shi, PhD, Associate Professor
Matthew Stone, PhD, Assistant Professor
David Strong, PhD, Professor
Jose Suarez, MD, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor
Dennis Trinidad, PhD, MPH, Professor
Xin Tu, PhD, Professor
Staff members:
Liesl Johnson
Frances Reyes Yee
Jolie Susan
Maliha Safdar
Led by Wael Al-Delaimy, MD, PhD, the mission of the Global Mental Health Initiative (GMHI) at the UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science is to advance the recognition, prevention and care of global mental illnesses with a special focus in the Arab countries that are disproportionately suffering from wars, trauma and other risk factors for these illnesses. Learn more.