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The Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science WSPH

Faculty Mentor Training Program

Faculty in the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science have a long-standing commitment to mentoring junior members. We recognize that strong and consistent mentorship is integral to a successful career in academic science and medicine.

The Faculty Mentor Training Program (FMTP) supports mentorship by creating pairs of senior faculty with junior faculty in the domains of teaching, research, and overall career development. These mentorship dyads provide ongoing oversight, support, and accountability to help ensure the success of junior faculty to achieve their professional and personal goals and to achieve work-life balance. The Program also hosts seminars, mixers, and other networking events to support junior faculty (see below). It also serves as a clearinghouse for existing resources and tips to navigate UC San Diego's policies and complexities in order to balance responsibilities in research, teaching, clinical activities, and service. 

The FMTP is part of a larger structured mentorship program for all Health Sciences faculty under the direction of Vivian Reznik, MD, MPH, and JoAnn Trejo, PhD, at the Office of Faculty Affairs. The FMTP continues to evolve as best practices for faculty mentorship are identified and the Department is responsive to these developing programs. 

Faculty Mentor Training Program Advisory Committee

The FMTP has a mentoring advisory committee and a school mentor director. The mentor director is responsible for the overall mentoring training program, coordinates mentor-mentee pairings, provides oversight, guidance and support to the mentors/mentees, and documents and tracks mentor-mentee pairings, reporting yearly to the Office of Faculty Affairs FMTP. Broadly, the advisory committee helps build and support a community of mentoring excellence for the School.


hong.jpgSuzi Hong, PhD
Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs 
Mentor Director and Advisory Committee Member



anderson-1.jpgCheryl Anderson, PhD, MPH, MS
Professor, Founding Dean
Advisory Committee Member



gilmer.jpgTodd Gilmer, PhD
Professor, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Advisory Committee Member




trinidad.jpgDennis Trinidad, PhD, MPH
Professor, Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
Advisory Committee Member 




Faculty Mentor Training

UC San Diego Health Sciences encourages all faculty members to complete FMTP sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs. Many faculty members in the department have completed the FMTP training and expressed that they gained valuable mentoring-related knowledge. All faculty members are encouraged to contact those who completed the training for any questions. Please see the lists below of faculty who have completed Junior and Senior Faculty Mentoring Training Programs.

Faculty Who Have Completed Junior Faculty Mentoring Training Program

​Name ​Discipline ​Email Address
​Elizabeth Eikey, PhD
​Behavioral Medicine
Sheri Hartman, PhD
​​Behavioral Medicine
​Sarah Linke, PhD, MPH
​Behavioral Medicine
Lin Liu, PhD
​Kanya Long, PhD ​Global Health ​
​Becky Marquez, PhD, MPH
​Behavioral Medicine
Sara McMenamin, PhD, MPH ​Health Policy
​Jesse Nodora, DrPH
​​Behavioral Medicine

Faculty Who Have Completed Senior Faculty Mentoring Training Program

​Name ​Discipline ​Email Address
Wael Al-Delaimy, MD, PhD
Global Health
Cinnamon Bloss, PhD Health Policy
​Kimberly Brouwer, PhD
Todd Gilmer, PhD ​Health Policy
​Suzi Hong, PhD ​Behavioral Medicine ​
Andrea LaCroix, PhD ​Epidemiology ​
Paul Mills, PhD ​Behavioral Medicine
​David Strong, PhD Behavioral Medicine

Events and Mixers

The School hosts biannual mixers to facilitate the introduction of mentors/mentees and to facilitate networking with other faculty, leadership and staff support. Please check back for announcements regarding upcoming mixers and events.

Mentoring Award

As part of its efforts to support and recognize outstanding mentorship, the school presents a mentoring award each year to a faculty member who has been recognized for outstanding mentorship. The mentoring award comes with a plaque and a cash prize, and is presented at one of the school's monthly faculty meetings. Calls for nominations are made annually. 

Mentoring Resources

  • UC San Diego Office of Faculty Affairs Faculty Mentoring Toolkit 3.0. The toolkit is a collection of tools for both mentors and mentees.
  • Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER). CIMER provides resources for organizations and institutions to improve research mentoring relationships, including resources for mentee training, mentor training, and facilitator training. 

Career and Professional Development Resources

  • UC San Diego ACTRI KL2 Program. As part of the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI) Education, Training, and Career Development Unit, the KL2 grant mechanism is an institutional equivalent of a K23, K01 or K08 award for junior faculty with early didactic opportunities through the CREST program and a mentored research experience. Successful applicants receive up to three years of support from the ACTRI and from their home departments, pending good progress.
  • UC San Diego ACTRI Clinical Research Enhancement Through Supplemental Training (CREST) Program.
  • UC San Diego Hispanic Center of Excellence (HCOE). The Hispanic Center of Excellence at UC San Diego includes a faculty development program that is designed to improve the recruitment, retention, and success of under-represented minority faculty at UC San Diego.
  • UC San Diego National Centers of Leadership in Academic Medicine (NCLAM). NCLAM is a Health Sciences professional development program with a mentoring component for junior faculty at UC San Diego. NCLAM helps junior faculty develop skills appropriate for their academic career, implement a personal strategic plan and expand their network of colleagues within Health Sciences and University.
  • UC San Diego School of Medicine Development Resources. Each year, the Office of Faculty Affairs coordinates workshops for Health Sciences faculty that cover a wide range of topics including faculty orientation, retirement, promotions, compensation, and space allocation.
  • National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity. The National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity is an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community for faculty members, postdocs, and graduate students. The center is dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers.